Jason Layne

It all started in 2011, just a boy with a dream..... Well kind of..... I had been out of the Army for a couple years and was looking for something new. On a whim, I asked my wife if she wanted to go learn to Scuba Dive. Knowing nothing about it other than my Uncle dove when I was a kid, I went in search of how to get certified. The first place only had set schedules and wanted a small fortune for a private class. Working in Las Vegas I never had weekends off so I passed on that place and continued searching. After a quick Google search, I realized there were several training facilities in Vegas. Who knew??? During my search, I came across Gr8 Divn, and I remember them owning the shop in Boulder City, NV where I grew up. After a couple minutes of talking with Ron and Vicki (the owners) I knew I found my new home and signed my wife and I up that day. Pretty sure I knocked out my home studies that night and called to schedule my first classroom. My first instructor Chris Ball, had a passion for diving that would only eventually be met by my own. When I had a chance to breathe underwater for the first time in the pool (before I was supposed to :) I was hooked! I had found my new thing, that would take me on a lifetime of adventure, that I've been able to share with my wife and now kids as they are just getting old enough to dive.
I took every opportunity I could to go out and dive with all the instructors from the shop, and eventually started helping with other students. Apparently, Ron and Vicki realized they were not going to be able to get rid of me, so they offered me the opportunity to sign up for my first professional class. Without hesitation, I was signed up. 10 years later, I am an Instructor Trainer with thousands of dives that still loves to dive just as much as that first day in the pool.
On a serious note, Scuba Diving gave me the peace I was needing after coming back from my second trip to Iraq. So if anyone, especially any Veteran dealing with the extra stress should look into diving. When you are underwater the rest of the world goes away and you're able to be at peace. 30 minutes at a time.
I would like to thank you for checking out Las Vegas Scuba Academy and allowing us to take the opportunity to show you the underwater world that changed my life.